Boost your Eastbourne business with Cinnamon Creative’s cutting-edge SEO strategies
Driving targeted traffic and maximising your online potential.



Cinnamon Creative: Enhancing Online Presence for Eastbourne Businesses

Overview of Our SEO Services At Cinnamon Creative, we specialise in SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, to help Eastbourne businesses enhance their online visibility. SEO involves optimising your website to make it more appealing to search engines like Google, ensuring it ranks higher in search results for relevant queries. This is crucial for businesses looking to attract more online attention and capture potential customers searching for their products or services.

Our Services Include:

  • Strategic SEO Planning: We develop customised SEO strategies using reliable techniques to boost your website’s visibility. This approach helps increase the likelihood that potential customers will find your business online, ultimately leading to higher traffic and increased sales.
  • Increasing Online Visibility: We employ strategies to elevate your website’s ranking in search results, making your business more visible to potential clients.
  • Driving Organic Traffic: Our focus is on increasing organic traffic—visitors who find your website through unpaid search results—enhancing the quality and quantity of website visits.
  • Boosting Sales: By improving visibility and traffic, we aim to increase your sales and profits, contributing positively to your bottom line.

Commitment to Your Business Success We are committed to the success of businesses in Eastbourne, regardless of size. Our goal is to surpass your marketing objectives and deliver a positive return on your investment, ensuring your business thrives in the competitive online landscape.



Comprehensive SEO Analysis & Strategic Planning

We are proficient in both the art and science of enhancing traffic and generating leads to a business’s website, with a commitment to surpassing promotional and business objectives. Our extensive SEO analyses and strategic planning are structured to assess your current SEO initiatives and devise a tailored strategy to fulfil your business aspirations.

In-depth Keyword Exploration & Refinement

Our emphasis is on exploring, scrutinising, and choosing the most impactful keywords to attract traffic to your website. This pivotal step in our SEO approach guarantees a profound comprehension of how customers search for terms related to your products and services, enabling us to refine your content effectively.

Innovative SEO Content Development

We are experts in developing innovative SEO content, including articles, images, videos, and other resources, to secure high rankings on search engine results, focusing on delivering content that resonates with your audience and enhances user experience.

Advanced Technical SEO

Our advanced technical SEO services are designed to optimise your website for search engines, concentrating on technical elements such as crawling, indexing, website loading speed, and security. We strive to rectify any issues related to performance, infrastructure, and search engine accessibility, enhancing the efficacy of your SEO endeavours.

Strategic Link Building

We prioritise establishing relationships with reputable websites and acquiring links from credible sources to elevate your website’s search engine rankings, demonstrating your website’s reliability and relevance.

seo reporting
SEO improvements on website
local seo Brighton

Local SEO Services for Eastbourne Businesses

Our local SEO services are meticulously crafted to boost your online presence for location-specific searches, aiding Eastbourne businesses in enhancing their visibility to local consumers and increasing footfall to their premises.

Website & Performance Enhancement

We aim to improve your website’s performance and loading speed across a range of browsers and devices, ensuring a smooth user experience and elevating your website’s search engine rankings.

E-Commerce SEO Strategies

For online retailers, we provide specialised e-commerce SEO strategies to enhance visibility in search results for online purchasing intent, increasing organic traffic to your online store and amplifying sales.

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SEO Consulting

Do you want to speak with us and get an overview of how we can help you with your SEO and get you ranking for your chosen terms? we can help with organic SEO.
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Content Optimisation

In a fast-moving world our client’s don’t have the time to work on their own website and keep up with Google’s latest algorithm changes. WE DO!
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On Page Optimisation

Making sure your copy provides a great user experience and will help you rank well in the SERPS is what our on page optimisation is all about.
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Search Optimisation

We rank client’s on the first page of Google’s search engine results, just go and look yourself. Our rankings speak for themselves and we can help you do the same.

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Connect Digital Media

We connect digital media to your business, providing video, audio and images to help your websites position and give a interactive user experience.
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SEO Strategy

Our 200 point strategy means we put into place all of the key components that will come together to help you be found in the search engines ahead of the competition.


website design eastbourne pub


The Brief: The Garden Bar, an Eastbourne pub in Sovereign Harbour, renowned for its lively atmosphere and engaging live music events, approached Cinnamon Creative with a clear goal: to enhance their online visibility. Despite its local popularity, The Garden Bar was struggling to attract new visitors through online channels, as they were not prominently featured in search results related to live music venues in Eastbourne.

The Challenge: Situated in a town with a competitive nightlife scene, The Garden Bar needed to stand out not only as a top destination for live music but also as a leading choice for pub-goers in Eastbourne. The challenge was to ensure that the pub ranked prominently for search terms such as “best live music pub in Eastbourne,” along with other relevant local search queries.

Our Solution: Excited by the opportunity to transform The Garden Bar’s online presence, Cinnamon Creative designed and implemented a bespoke SEO strategy tailored to the pub’s unique needs. This included a complete redesign of their existing website to better reflect the vibrant and welcoming nature of the venue and to optimise it for search engines.

We conducted thorough keyword research to pinpoint high-volume, relevant search terms specific to Eastbourne’s live music and pub scene. Our team optimised the website’s content for these key phrases. Additionally, we focused on strengthening the pub’s local SEO by enhancing its visibility in the Google Map Pack and other local listings.

The Outcome: Our targeted SEO strategy quickly bore fruit, with The Garden Bar achieving top rankings on Google for “best live music pub in Eastbourne” and other related search terms within a few months of implementing our plan. This heightened online visibility led to a significant increase in web traffic and, more importantly, more patrons enjoying their evenings at The Garden Bar. The pub not only solidified its reputation as a prime location for live music in Eastbourne but also significantly boosted its overall business growth.

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Precise SEO Reporting & Monitoring

Our precise monthly SEO reports allow you to monitor the progress and value of your SEO investments, offering insights into search rankings, traffic, conversions, and more.

Grow Your Eastbourne Business with Our SEO Solutions

As a local SEO agency with our office in Eastbourne, Cinnamon Creative is dedicated to helping you attract more traffic, generate more leads, and grow your sales. We are passionate about building brand awareness and ensuring your company is the top choice when customers are ready to make a purchase.

Advantages of Choosing Our SEO Solutions

With years of experience in offering SEO services, our team of SEO specialists is committed to improving your online presence and delivering a substantial return on investment. We collaborate with you to create a customised strategy that drives enduring results.

The Cinnamon Creative Distinction

Cinnamon Creative is renowned for its superior SEO services, with numerous accolades and commendations from industry authorities and a wealth of positive client testimonials. We are dedicated to delivering tangible and lasting SEO results for businesses in Eastbourne.

Understanding SEO vs. Paid Online Advertising

It’s crucial to distinguish between SEO and search engine marketing (SEM). While SEO focuses on enhancing a website’s organic search rankings through optimisation, SEM involves leveraging paid advertising to gain visibility on search engines.

Expert SEO Services in Eastbourne

Investing in SEO is investing in your business’s growth. Our comprehensive SEO process is designed to ensure continuous improvement and significant growth in sales and business development. We offer complimentary, no-obligation website and SEO audits to prospective clients, helping us understand your current SEO status and develop a personalised plan to achieve your goals.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Ready to boost your business in Eastbourne? Arrange a virtual meeting today with one of our marketing specialists and begin surpassing your competitors.

how to optimise for core web vitals



Cinnamon Creative
FOUNDRY 78 The Beacon, Eastbourne BN21 3NW